
Using carefully chosen audio processors including in-house designed dsp filters and a unique loudspeaker reference system we adjust your track as much or as little as is necessary to match, widen, warm and maximize the impact of the finished product.

Independent/limited release rate is $45 CAD per/song
Commercial/corporate release rate is $75 CAD per/song
Time based $40 per/stereo minute
CD-r masters are $3 CAD per/disc (10 copies or less)

Audio Examples

from the Wilbur Sargunaraj album Simple Superstar (2011)

“Wilbur Sargunaraj-Banani: unmastered track”

“Wilbur Sargunaraj-Banani: mastered track”

Level matched by adjusting the mastered track -5.4dB.

from the Absofunkinlutely album Blues Kid City (2010)

“Absofunkinlutely-Big Brother: unmastered track”

“Absofunkinlutely-Big Brother: mastered track”

Level matched by adjusting the mastered track -5.7dB.

from the Kimbal Siebert album In My Own Words (2006)

“If You Were Mine: mastered track sample”

“Summer Days: mastered track sample”

“Sun On Snow: mastered track sample”

Send us a song and we will master it on spec. If you like it then we can proceed.

is our recommended free service
for song delivery