Keeping in touch


No big news lately so I’m just posting to fill in a few cool items that have happened in the last while.

One of my songs, Stay Awhile is being included in an episode of the Saskatchewan produced TV show Renegade Press. The touching melodrama is that (TV is all about the back-story, isn’t it?) I wrote the song for my wife while she was away in Regina, tutoring the actors on, you guessed it, Renegade Press. The first time she heard it was in the on-set school trailer behind Balfour Collegiate while they were shooting season 1 of the show. It took a mere five seasons and here we are!

Another recent happening took Eric Proffitt who’s first album I produced has had a song come to the attention of the United Nations. They have been using his song “Little Child” to draw attention to the issue of human trafficking at a recent conference in Vienna. Eric attended and I believe he actually sang the song for the delegation.

Interesting and exciting for me in a vicarious, remote-control sense.

  • March 17, 2008